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he émigrés who fled their homeland for England in 1575 were most simple and straightforward in all manner of their ways. It may therefore be not of surprise that the directive for use of the textbook they carried with them was contained within the numerology of its title.


ou shall "spake time six these words" by "three times" at "matins, lauds and at vespers" and do this "six days full" and then "take rest". It was "The Oculatum 636".


In this present rendition, as with the original, the reader must take several actions prior to following the above direction. Firstly, a choice is required as to which is the top and bottom of the book. That action being taken, the reader may choose which cover to open, front or back, for the book opens both ways. That action being taken, the reader may chose a section to begin.


Being now at the beginning of a section, it is suggested that the four-line phrase that comes to view, be read six times silently or in voice. The reader would repeat this three times during the day, perhaps on waking, at a mid-point and upon retiring. The following day the process is repeated for the next page and so on for the six-day period. It is of no consequence for the reader to remember, understand or comprehend the phrase, only that it be read. For it should be upon completion of the sixth day that the reader decide if there has been benefit or not and what choice should be made.


If the reader should decide there has been benefit or not, a choice may be made to repeat the process in the same section or any other as described above, or close the book and place it aside.


The following addenda may give greater clarification to the context of the original text.

Latin Root:

The standard library reference definition is shown as follows:

[ L.L. ocularis, < L. oculus, eye: cf. eye, also < in -, in, and oculus, eye, also < in -, and oculatus, protect, inoculate, also < in -, in, and oculare, growth, bud ]

Medieval Manuscript:

The medieval pheeriod is generally considered to be that era from the year 1000 to 1500, although some scholar's are want to vary these dates. This period is also termed by some to be the Middle Ages. Manuscripts or books of this period were, in the main, hand scribed as printing for all real purpose was not realized in Europe until 1457 with the introduction of movable type by Johann Gutenburg.

Great Fire of London:

On September 1st, 1666, a small fire broke out at John Farynor's bakery in Pudding Lane. The flames quickly spread and soon the blaze became so intense that in just four days the inferno would destroy almost half of the city. In all some four hundred and fifty acres were burnt bare, but London would rise from the ashes as a great new metropolis.


In the year 1665 The Black Death, that had already ravaged Europe, spread westward and crossed the English Channel to decimate the inhabitants of London. Some 70.000 souls, almost half the population of the city, would perish before the epidemic finally abated.

Great, Great Grandfather:

Johannes Van dar Lippen, the elder, had set out from Antwerp in the autumn of 1575. He led a small group of fearful travelers in search of safety and a new life in London.  In sight of the English coast the crew of their vessel set upon the group and pitched them overboard. He was not one of the few that survived to shore but it was his off spring that now carried the remnants of his book.

Various Writings:

It is thought that the textbook was originally more a collection of letters, notes or suggestions contained within a folio or folder rather than in a bound book as we would know it today. These writings would have been collected over time from various sources and as printing had not yet become commonplace, thus there would be several different styles of script.

Matins, Lauds and at Vespers:

These are three of the Old Latin terms for the seven devotional periods of the canonical day. They relate, in today's language, to early morning, during the day and at night. These terms are still in daily use in many establishments where holy orders are celebrated.

Four Line Phrase:

Quite common for the period is a simple phrase or stanza that can be easily remembered. In particular this would be a rhyming quatrain though in this interpretation the lines are uncoupled.


The foundling research for this present interpretation was formulated as an adjunct to a study of the rebuilding of The City of London following the Great Fire. Journal and newspaper reports of the period gave light to the influx of foreign workers involved in this project and their cultural anomalies. Further inquiry followed the Flemish immigrants to their homeland and the City of Bruges, which was in the medieval period a major trade center. Trace investigation has followed scriptoria and printed works, both incunabula and after, most notably in London, Mainz and Venice, which was the pre-eminent publishing center of the period. It should be noted that although printing had reached a high standard by the time of the Great Fire, this was not the case at the time of the original emigration of the Flemish. This was an oral society in the flux of rapid change, greatly prone to myth over matter and thus documentation of the period is incomplete. Therefore, attribution is not shown although it is hoped that with a new awareness of the volume a concise bibliography may be completed. Please contact the author at the link shown on the contact page for further information.


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